All Saints Lutheran Church is a welcoming, forward-thinking church on Albuquerque's west side.
We seek to follow Jesus and support one another while thinking, praying, questioning, sharing, and serving our neighbors, near and far.
As God's forgiven people:
- We welcome all in Christ's love.
- We grow together in faith and life.
- We serve others in love.

We welcome
All Saints is a great place to be with people. We enjoy regular potluck gatherings and special events such as Connection Groups, Balloon Fiesta breakfast, Holy Ghost Weenie Roast, and Pancake Supper. See our calendar and join us!
Worship at All Saints is reverent and relaxed, with a focus on good music and Biblical preaching. Kids have a place with us—in Bible Breakout, our sanctuary's "prayground," our nursery, or with parents in the service. We expect kids to be kids—wiggles and giggles, squirms and squeals. All are welcome at God's table for Holy Communion.

We believe that God loves everyone—no exceptions! All Saints is a Reconciling in Christ church, which means we intentionally welcome people of all gender identities, sexual orientations, and gender expressions.
All Saints is a church for the 21st Century. We welcome anyone who seeks to love God and one another:
- old and young and middle aged,
- white and brown,
- well-to-do and struggling,
- purple hair and white hair,
- suit coats and tattoos,
- people who have it all together and people who are hanging by a thread.

We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
We believe in:
- Grace - God's unconditional love for all, no exceptions.
- Cross - God meeting us in the margins of life and the world.
- Living as "both/and" people in an "either/or" world.

We grow
All Saints has faith formation opportunities for all ages.
- Adults gather in various weekly and monthly Bible studies, as well as topical studies with the pastor.
- High schoolers gather to explore topics of faith in teen life; 6th-8th graders explore the basics of faith in a Lutheran context; younger children have Bible lessons taught with fun activities such as LEGO, crafts, and games.
- Youth participate in gatherings with the Rocky Mountain Synod, summer camp at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp, and other events for fun, service, and learning.
- During Sunday worship, we have a children's message, and kids can go to Bible Breakout for their own lesson while parents hear the lessons and sermon. Kids return to worship in time for Holy Communion.

We serve
All Saints actively reaches out in our community and the world by sharing gifts of money, food, and other resources with Sierra Vista Elementary School, To-ha'ji'lee Navajo mission, ELCA World Hunger, and other programs.
We contribute funds and volunteer time to Family Promise, providing a safe place, meals, and mentorship for families experiencing homelessness.
We work with Lutheran Advocacy Ministry NM and Bread for the World to advocate for just laws for people who are hungry and marginalized in our society.