We were all new once and we remember what it can be like. So we put this page together to answer some questions before you arrive. It can be easier when you know what to expect.

Sunday mornings
About 70 people attend All Saint’s each Sunday at our 10:00 worship service, some in person and some on Zoom. Everyone is welcome! We love when children are with us in worship and have a special “pray-ground” in our seating area for little ones.
Our congregation spans a range of ages and backgrounds. You’ll see people dressed in all styles, from jeans to sundresses to business suits. You’ll experience a variety of musical styles – from organ, choir, handbells and praise band - all offered in praise to God.
Each worship lasts for about an hour. Children are welcome to attend worship and we offer “Bible Breakout” during part of each service, where children from preschool through 5th grade can go to a classroom and share activities about the lesson of the day while parents participate in the sermon and teaching of the morning. Of course, children are also welcome to participate in all parts of worship. We also have a staffed nursery at all of our services.
There is ample, easy parking on our property with multiple handicapped spaces. The parking lot is well lit for evening activities. Our facility is wheelchair and walker friendly, including the outdoor garden and worship space.
Nametags & Assistance
We wear name tags at All Saints for multiple reasons – so you know who we are, so we can greet one another we don’t know as well by name, and so we know who you are. A greeter or usher can assist you with preparing a name tag to add to the box. We hope you’ll come and use it often!
We offer large print bulletins and hearing devices to assist you and our layout is wheelchair and walker friendly. If you have questions about worship or any church activities, please ask anyone and we’ll be sure to help.
Guest WiFi is available in our buildings. Signs are posted with the password for anyone to use.
All are welcome to the Lord’s table at All Saints. You may request grape juice during Communion rather than wine and we use gluten free bread. You are invited to come forward for a blessing even if you don’t commune. The Lord’s table is for all of us!
Getting Connected
Getting connected is about building relationships, which takes time as is about more than attending worship. One way to get connected is to join everyone for coffee and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall following each worship service. It can be a loud and joyous time as people gather to share stories and laughter and concerns. It’s a great time to have questions answered about all the things that happen the rest of the week at All Saints.
We offer a variety of programs and opportunities for people to become engaged. We have Bible studies, choirs of all ages and sorts, community outreach programs, potlucks, and youth activities. We’ll be happy to connect you with others in areas that interest you!